195 W Lancaster Ave #3
Paoli, PA 19301



The most common complaint we hear from our cancer patients, is “I have no energy, I am exhausted all the time!Am I ever going to feel normal again?”

Cancer-related fatigue is the most common side-effect of all cancer treatments! From the time of diagnosis, the trauma of hearing “you have cancer” is a huge stressor which can impact your entire energetic system physically, emotionally and spiritually! Making important treatment-related decisions can feel overwhelming to say the least. In the midst of this crisis, it is critical to build your support team to navigate the best treatment strategies while keeping you feeling your best! Our oncology specialists can help you maintain and improve your energy levels during the time when you need it the most!

Statistics indicate greater than 70% of people experience cancer-related fatigue and if left untreated this debilitating level of fatigue can linger for up to 2 years after all treatment has concluded! As oncology specialists, we are passionate about educating physicians and patients regarding the benefits ofearly intervention to combat cancer-related fatigue! Additionally, Cancer rehabilitation is a highly-skilled specialty niche in physical therapy which requires extensive knowledge of cancer-related surgeries, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation,which by themselves or in combination carry the potential for marked fatigue. Our cancer rehabilitation process begins with a comprehensive evaluation of our oncology patient with specialattention to the details of our patient’s cancer journey to date.As oncology and orthopedic specialists,we will assess your muscle strength, flexibility, balance, posture and gait as precursors to beginning a safe exercise program.



Our Cancer Rehabilitation Program targets:

  • Overcoming Fatigue andPromoting an Overall Sense of Well-being
  • Stress Reduction during an incredibly stressful time!
  • Restoring Strength, Flexibility, and MuscularEndurance including Posture!
  • Minimizing the Effects of Bone Loss and Muscle Atrophy due to brief or prolonged periods of immobilization.
  • Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning which releases stored energy within your body to combat cancer-related fatigue!
  • Education regarding “Pacing Activities of Daily Living”including exercise to promote healing and enhanced energy versus “overdoing”and depleting your energy levels. This delicate balance often requires guidance from an expert!

Other related Cancer Treatments Include:

  • Lymphedema Treatments (not offered at this time)
  • Post-Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Care
  • Axillary Web Syndrome/Cording
  • Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Neufit/Neubie Neuromuscular Re-Education

New Lease on Life: new lease on life article
October Newsletter–Cancer-Related Fatigue

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