I came to this practice in August 2018, after experiencing nerve pain in L5/S1. A year prior I’d herniated that disk and thought I’d improved enough. But swimming only 10 laps in July caused the pain to flare up, lower back and calf pain.
In August 2017 I had some nerve pain in lower back, pain in my left calf resulting from herniation, balance issues due to numb left foot. I’d stopped doing any type of exercise except walking. I was fearful to bend forward fully…
Denise Glennon with Chris Hayes
The 1st problem was a disc in my neck partially occluded my left neural foramin. This caused pain down my left arm into my hand with parastheseas. After the epidural in my neck I was much better but was left with tingling in my thumb and index finger. With PT the tingling is gone and I am completely better. The exercises worked very well. I was AMAZED!
The 2nd problem was my ankles especially the left ankle. I sprained both of them on uneven patio and lost ROM in my left ankle. With manipulation…